(in progress #2) – paper, vaseline, wax, wire… Art, Artists on tumblr, Draht, In Progress, Kunst, onmrc, paper, Papier, vaseline, wachs, wax, wire, WS1314, WS2013/14
a better view on “Wer du spricht, hat kein etwas, hat nichts. Aber er steht in… Art, Artists on tumblr, Clemens Baldszun, Gips, Kunst, Martin Buber, SS2013, Stahl, Vorschau, wachs
“Wer du spricht, hat kein etwas, hat nichts. Aber er steht in der Beziehung.” – Gips,… Art, Artists on tumblr, Gips, Kunst, Martin Buber, SS2013, Stahl, wachs
in the woods (#2)… Art, Artists on tumblr, Clemens Baldszun, eins+alles, Kunst, Laufenmühle, schwarz weiß, spiderweb, SS2013, wachs, wald, wax, welzheim, Woods
in the woods (#1) … Art, Artists on tumblr, Clemens Baldszun, eins+alles, Kunst, Laufenmühle, SS2013, wachs, wald, wax, welzheim, Woods
Untitled – wood, wax, 9x8x1,5cm… Art, Artists on tumblr, Bienenwachs, holz, Kunst, wachs, wax, Wood, WS1213, WS2012/13
untitled – wax, 19×16,5x4cm… .c, Art, Artists on tumblr, beeswax, Bienenwachs, Kunst, onmrc, wachs, wax, WS1213, WS2012/13
Untitled 2 – wax… .c, Art, Artists on tumblr, Kunst, onmrc, orange, red, rot, wachs, wax, WS1213, WS2012/13
Untitled – wax… .c, Art, Artists on tumblr, black, Kunst, melting, onmrc, orange, red, wachs, wax, WS1213, WS2012/13
Untitled – Beeswax… .c, Art, Artists on tumblr, Head, Kunst, onmrc, Torso, wachs, wax, WS1112, WS2011/12
After the fire – bark, wire netting, wax.… .c, Art, Artists on tumblr, bark, feuer, fire, Kunst, onmrc, painting, red, rindenmulch, rot, sculpture, wachs, wax, Wood, WS1112, WS2011/12
“Alpenpanorama” – Holz, Wachs, Abdeckfarbe… .c, Alpen, Art, Artists on tumblr, holz, Kunst, onmrc, painting, Panorama, wachs, wax, Wood, WS1112, WS2011/12
“Wohlraum” – Holz, Wachs… .c, Art, Artists on tumblr, holz, Kunst, onmrc, Raum, room, space, Vorschau, wachs, wax, wohlraum, Wood, WS1112, WS2011/12
“Sailing” – Firewood, Beeswax, Veneering… .c, Art, Artists on tumblr, holz, Kunst, onmrc, Sailing, Segeln, wachs, wax, Wood, WS1112, WS2011/12
Room #3 and #4 – Firewood, Beeswax, Veneering… .c, Art, Artists on tumblr, beeswax, Firewood, Furnierholz, Haus, holz, House, Kunst, onmrc, Raum, room, wachs, Wood, WS1112, WS2011/12