Untitled – Watercolor, 29×30 cm… .c, Art, Artists on tumblr, Kunst, onmrc, red, rot, Wasserfarbe, watercolor, WS1112, WS2011/12
Spring, Study in blue – Oil paint, 30x24cm, 20x20cm… .c, Art, Artists on tumblr, blau, blue, farbstudie, frühling, green, grün, Kunst, oil paint, ölfarbe, onmrc, painting, spring, WS1112, WS2011/12
Untitled – Diabas, 2009… .c, Art, Artists on tumblr, black, Diabas, Kunst, onmrc, sculpture, stein, untitled, WS1112, WS2011/12
You and I – A4, india ink.… .c, Art, Artists on tumblr, black, drawing, du und ich, India Ink, Kunst, onmrc, Tusche, WS1112, WS2011/12, you and i, zeichnung
Happiness – clay, patina… .c, Art, Artists on tumblr, blau, blue, clay, freude, happiness, Kunst, onmrc, playing, sculpture, ton, WS1112, WS2011/12
Untitled – Beeswax… .c, Art, Artists on tumblr, Head, Kunst, onmrc, Torso, wachs, wax, WS1112, WS2011/12
After the fire – bark, wire netting, wax.… .c, Art, Artists on tumblr, bark, feuer, fire, Kunst, onmrc, painting, red, rindenmulch, rot, sculpture, wachs, wax, Wood, WS1112, WS2011/12
Bucket of Inspiration for the Room-Series… .c, Art, Artists on tumblr, Eimer, holz, instalation, Kunst, onmrc, room, Wood, WS1112, WS2011/12
More room… – Wood, Wax… .c, Art, Artists on tumblr, ast, beeswax, holz, Kunst, Object, Objekt, onmrc, room, wax, wohlraum, Wood, WS1112, WS2011/12
“I’m with you” – Clay, patina… .c, Art, Artists on tumblr, clay, Human, I'm with you, Ich bin bei dir, Kunst, Mensch, onmrc, sculpture, ton, WS1112, WS2011/12
Triangels – 21x13cm, Oil Pastel… .c, Art, Artists on tumblr, drawing, Kunst, oil paint, onmrc, pastel, Pyramide, red, triangle, WS1112, WS2011/12, zeichnung
Study in blue and red – Oil paint, 18x24cm, 20x20cm… .c, Art, Artists on tumblr, blau, blue, farbstudie, Kunst, oil paint, ölfarbe, onmrc, orange, painting, red, rot, study, WS1112, WS2011/12
Study from the nude – Clay… .c, Akt, Aktstudie, Art, Artists on tumblr, clay, figure, Kunst, Nude, onmrc, WS1112, WS2011/12
“Dancing” – Januar 2012… .c, 2012, Art, Artists on tumblr, Dancing, Kunst, onmrc, paper, Papier, WS1112, WS2011/12
“Alpenpanorama” – Holz, Wachs, Abdeckfarbe… .c, Alpen, Art, Artists on tumblr, holz, Kunst, onmrc, painting, Panorama, wachs, wax, Wood, WS1112, WS2011/12
“Wohlraum” – Holz, Wachs… .c, Art, Artists on tumblr, holz, Kunst, onmrc, Raum, room, space, Vorschau, wachs, wax, wohlraum, Wood, WS1112, WS2011/12
Nature Studies #1 – The final polish.… .c, Art, Artists on tumblr, Buche, Buchecker, Kunst, natur, nature, onmrc, sculpture, WS1112, WS2011/12
“Happy Birthday” 16 Years Root Down – 16 Postcards to be picked up at Waldsee (Freiburg… .c, 148 x 101 mm, Art, Artists on tumblr, Freiburg im Breisgau, Happy Birthday, Kunst, Linoldruck, linoleum cut, onmrc, postcard, Postkarten, Root Down, take away, Waldsee, watercolor, WS1112, WS2011/12
Display Art – Digital, 2008… .c, 2008, Art, Artists on tumblr, Faces, Kunst, onmrc, Sony Ericsson, WS1112, WS2011/12
Making of: “Nature studies”… .c, Art, Artists on tumblr, clay, iron steel, Kunst, making of, nature, netting wire, onmrc, plastik, sculpture, WS1112, WS2011/12
Nature studies #1 – Clay, wire netting, iron steel, 2011… .c, Art, Artists on tumblr, Buche, Buchecker, clay, Kunst, natur, nature, onmrc, plastik, sculpture, ton, WS1112, WS2011/12
Silvester’11, Alle Farben – A3, Tusche… .c, a3, Alle Farben, Art, Artists on tumblr, blau, Kunst, onmrc, Silvester, Tusche, WS1112, WS2011/12
“Sailing” – Firewood, Beeswax, Veneering… .c, Art, Artists on tumblr, holz, Kunst, onmrc, Sailing, Segeln, wachs, wax, Wood, WS1112, WS2011/12
Room #3 and #4 – Firewood, Beeswax, Veneering… .c, Art, Artists on tumblr, beeswax, Firewood, Furnierholz, Haus, holz, House, Kunst, onmrc, Raum, room, wachs, Wood, WS1112, WS2011/12
“The Healing” – Firewood, Beeswax… .c, Art, Artists on tumblr, beeswax, Bienenwachs, Firewood, holz, Kunst, Object, onmrc, The Healing, wax, WS1112, WS2011/12
ABI 2010 #3, The Thinker, ABI 2010 #1… .c, 2010, ABI, Art, Artists on tumblr, figure, Human, Kunst, onmrc, sculpture, The Thinker, ton, WS1112, WS2011/12
ABI 2010 #2… .c, 2010, ABI, Art, Artists on tumblr, figure, Human, Kunst, onmrc, Portrait, sculpture, ton, WS1112, WS2011/12
#2 – Raum&Umraum… .c, Art, Artists on tumblr, Gips, onmrc, Raum, sculpture, space, Star, Umraum, WS1112, WS2011/12
“Vernunft” – 07x21cm – Gips … .c, Art, Artists on tumblr, freiburg, Freiburger Münster, Germany, Gips, onmrc, sculpture, Vernunft, WS1112, WS2011/12